Thursday, December 21, 2006

Turn Off Unnecessary Windows XP Services

Turning off unnecessary services in Windows XP can greatly reduce your exploit risk, while improving system performance. It's a good time to inject that often there are all sorts of "download optimizers" and other cute programs that vendors like to push on users. The first rule is "If you don't know you need it, you probably don't."

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chaos Theory - Very simple, very addictive

Click once to explode as many blue dots as possible. i scored 115, can you beat that?

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Take iSight snapshots during invalid login attempts

"With the new MacBook Pro's including built-in iSight cameras, I thought it would be useful to take an iSight snapshot of anyone trying to break into my laptop. This is done by tailing /var/log/asl.log for invalid login attempts."

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Mac OSX startup key sequences

Handy list for troubleshooting and various startup options. Did you know that you can boot your mac from an iPod?

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