See the future of computing! Amazing interface!
UI 3.0 - This is the best example of the "Muilt touch" interface I've seen yet. A vision of the future the iPhone only hints at, and all computing will eventually follow.
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I am an Alpha Geek with strong outdoor tendencies. I spend entirely too much time scouring the geeky side of the web for useful tidbits. I'll post some of the more interesting ones here. I also started a personal video, audio, and picture blog. It is at Enjoy Life -Ernie Dambach
UI 3.0 - This is the best example of the "Muilt touch" interface I've seen yet. A vision of the future the iPhone only hints at, and all computing will eventually follow.
This video makes fun of moderns newbie computer users by showing how silly some of their questions are by creating a similar problem 500 years ago.
The Iraq war will cost Americans $145 billion dollars this year alone. That $145 billion could buy free tuition, room, and board for every student in a public university or college, and there would still be enough money left over to end hunger in America four times over. Digg this story and help spread the word on how our taxes are being spent.
There is a cool feature built into the activity monitor in OS X that not many people seem to know about. It is always nice to know the current activity of your CPU or anything else that is happening under the cover of your Mac. Here is how to do that right in your dock…
Checkout today received an update which adds support for receipt printers and cash drawers. More flexibility with templates, available in four more languages, new "tax" and "sold products" reports and improved payment system makes this app the must have when opening a new storefront.
This is a pretty cool computer prank to pull on your buddies. Only problem is just about everyone I know that I could do this too calls me to fix there computer.
The YouTube video didn't list the comedian's name, but he does hilarious impersonations of both Bush and Clinton. Check it out.
While the dishmaker appears unwieldy, this "dishwasher sized" apparatus can actually replace cabinets worth of dishes by storing them as flat disks. Only a small amount of pressure and heat is necessary to reshape the acrylic into a bowl (and back). Oh, you just can't actually eat off of the dishes yet, unless you want to wash them yourself...
Billionaire Bill Gates was caught on tape last evening bragging he had stolen 'over 99 % of the new Vista operating system from Apple Computer'. Gates... let his mouth run away with him at a party hosted by his international bankers and attended by Warren Buffet. Yellow sheet media reporters attended the party disguised as waiters.
The Top 50 Occupations were selected in the following way: