Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Pros & Cons of Hybrids, BioDiesel, Natural Gas, Ethanol, & Hydrogen Cars

Choose the right vehicle to help you save money and the environment.

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Trojan Virus Encrypts your files, holds password ransom for $300

A new Trojan identified as CryZip infects files on a computer by encrypting them, then demands a $300 ransom for the password to unlock the files.

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New Bill Makes it Illegal to Report On NSA Wiretaps

Welcome to 1984.

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Monday, March 13, 2006

137 Online Tools for Webmaster

An must keep one-for-all list for online free tools that help webmaster, programming, and web design to program, design, develope, optimize web sites.

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Google Launches "Google Mars"

Google has just launched a new service called "Google Mars" that lets you browse the martian land just as you would with Google Maps.

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Google Launches "Google Mars"

Google has just launched a new service called "Google Mars" that lets you browse the martian land just as you would with Google Maps.

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

New Bill to Criminalize Exposure of Illegal US Govt. Activities

A lawyer's blog post explains this newly proposed bill. If it passes, it would be illegal for me to write the following sentence: The president is violating the laws established by the US Constitution by authorizing unwarranted wiretaps.

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Tagging iPhoto

"Melvin Rivera from All Forces wrote a tutorial on using keywords in iPhoto." A simple concept, but nicely illustrated in this tutorial. It spurred me to finally go in and try to organize some of the thousands of pictures I've got in iPhoto.

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Chat About & See ANY Webpage Instantly - New Ajax Tech

add this
in front of the url and presto....

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

How Battlestar Galactica Killed Broadcast TV

This article talks about battlestar galactica on bittorent. It's an old article, but very interesting and worth reading

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Ipod vending machine

This weekend, in Atlanta's airport, I happened across an Ipod vending machine. If you have a credit card, this vending machine will spit out a video ipod, a nano, a shuffle, or any number of accessories to go along with it. There was a crowd of geeks surrounding the machine just gawking in the clever marketing of our dear friends at apple.

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Create your own free web OS account in http://eyeos.info

With this free web desktop you can take your data every­where and be organized thanks to the base ap­plic­a­tions (Cal­en­dar, Agenda, Word Pro­cessor, File Or­gan­izer, bookmark browser, etc).
Log into http://eyeos.info and register.

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Debit card thieves get around PIN obstacle

Wave of ATM fraud indicates criminals have upped the ante....time to go check the bank transactions...sigh.

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Cool Flickr Hack

Try it out! I dare you to find a boring photo. A new site called Flickr Leech allows you to search massive quantities of thumbs all singled out for their "Interestingness." Even a year ago today was interesting.

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

33 ways to use your MAC in your HOME THEATER

There's some pretty sick software apps on this list- some I've never seen before. If you're a mac user you gotta check 'em out.

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Daily Show available on iTunes!

Multi-pass. Pay $9.99 and get 16 episodes. One each week. Think of them as Paid-for podcasts.

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Why Aren't You Using RSS?

A newbie's guide to the wide wonderful world of RSS.

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Top OS X tips

Want more speed from OS X? The operating system is pretty good at keeping itself in good shape, so there isn�t actually a whole lot you can do to improve OS performance. You can, however, give it a few little boosts. None of these techniques will turn your aging G3/500MHz iBook into a new dual-G5 Power Mac�but every little bit helps.

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New Front Row Screenshots and Hack Install Instructions

a brief article discussing some of the new features in the Front Row update released earlier today. article has screenshots of the new stuff and instructions for hacking the installer to run on any mac.

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Men�s Rules (that women should know)

Women, learn to work the toilet seat. You�re a big girl. If it�s up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don�t hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

Birthdays, Valentines, and Anniversaries are not considered by us to be opportunities to see if we can find the perfect present . . . . again!

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iTunes Agent 1.0!

iTune your non-iPod player! iTunes Agent enables you to use mass storage MP3 player with iTunes, "just" like an iPod. Any device showing up as a "removable drive" on your computer can be configured to be synchronized with iTunes.

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Apple conquers living room. It might be a month before someone notices.

Apple just made the first practical production living room computer that actually bridges the PC/CE divide. How long you think it will be before the industry notices that Apple's pulled another iPod?

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99 Run Commands for Windows XP

From access.cpl to write. Here is a list of commands that you can run off from the Run Command prompt in XP. A great time saver.

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

High Speed Defragmentation Tool

This program bypasses Windows safety tools that makes defragmentation slow.

Very high defragmentation speed, efficiency and ease of use.

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